Friday, December 28, 2007

Our Holiday Letter

A Silent Night

We paused for a moment tonight after cleaning up. The doors were locked: lights off. A still night in the "Ander-inn". We reflected as we gazed through the front windows.

Radiant beams from the moon pour in. Avalon is snuggled in heavenly peace upstairs. Smooth baby skin, wispy brown hair and wide eyes that see if you happen to have something that she wants. Should she happen to spy this object, she will proceed to point and yell until you finally turn it over- once you hand over the object, she'll blow you a big kiss- as if to say "thanks so much!!" This precious action seems to completely erase the previous rudeness.

Atlee and Beckett bunk together tonight. Such close friends (and every once in a while, bitter enemies). They have a fascinating connection. Unbelievable communication (ie, half of the time Atlee acts as translator when we can't understand him). Favorably inclusive with little Avie (if she isn't pulling her screaming stunt)...and Riley (our dog).

"Dad, Beckett and I need our ice water and will you tell me a story of when you and mom were dating...or one from when you were a little boy?" This is the sentence that we here nearly every night. But now, words are over...lips rest.

On this damp night, drips of water bead on the windows. Each droplet represents provision from the past year.

-Atlee's kindergarten debut in a wonderful classical/university model school...she seems to love every minute of learning, and this is a joy to watch!

-Beckett's perseverance over a few health scares (see former blog entries for more details). His generous spirit truly melts our hearts.

-Avalon, healthy, expressive(!) and alive- we are so grateful for her especially when we remember our Rhogam incident of '01 that gave us no promises that we would be able to carry a baby of differing blood type...we have fallen in love again!!

-Bible Study Fellowship has been food and water for our souls.

-Jeff passing the Texas Counseling Exam! Now he has an official license to show for all those hours in Seminary!!

-Trips to Cancun, California, Kansas...

-A great church that teaches and models the beautiful character of God.

-8 years of marriage, dates over sushi and lots of nights spent on the couch watching a movie or "the office" re-runs after the kids are tucked in bed.

-Friends and family like you that provide true fellowship.

May the coming year dawn an increased understanding of God's redeeming grace and how we can better orient our story to His. We are grateful for the kindness, patience and purpose He lavishes on us.

Happy New Year...and Much Love,
Jeff and Nikki


lynne said...

nikki-i love how you have just the right words to describe your babes..they are sweet. (tried to send you a christmas card, but it was returned...let me know your new

Alyssa said...

Beautiful! You, my friend, should be calling yourself a writer if you haven't already.

Sarah said...

Great update. I can imagine that night at your home (which I always loved being in and miss).

kellie said...

can i come live with you?

Krista Sanders said...

Just beautiful, Nikki! The "stuff" of which life is made. Thanks for expressing it so wonderfully.

spaghettipie said...

Beautiful words.
Beautiful pictures.
Beautiful family.

Happy New Year!

julie said...

What a wonderful way to catch up on your life at the Ander-Inn! Thanks for sharing. :-)

Life in the Inn full of Andersons